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Hasira Soul Ashemu

To Heal A People



Take your personal path to the next level.  Whether beginning your individual healing journey, or preparing to share your gifts with the world, work 1-on-1 with H-Soul to develop a personalized plan that creates powerful results and win-win interactions.

Book a Soul Session for:

  • Individual Werk- Healing, Healthy habits & practices

  • Relationship Werk- Relationship audits, communication coaching

  • Soul Werk- honing in and developing your Ikigai and life purpose

  • Community Werk- sharing your Gifts meaningfully, equitably, and abundantly.

  • Much more- have an idea or a question?  Just ask!

About the Healer:

Writer, speaker, and seasoned community organizer, H-Soul has spent decades advocating for racial equity and social justice in education, corporate institutions and in the public sphere.

H-Soul's philosophy is that  true liberation and social justice can only be achieved through a healing justice approach- and this all begins with re-educating ourselves to understand the root cause of that which makes us unwell.

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